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Anna K -
In the most prominent and widest recent example, six Ohio State players were suspended for part of the 2011 or 2012 seasons for selling memorabilia or exchanging it for benefits such as tattoos.
2012 Delhi gang rape - Wikipedia
The 2012 Delhi gang rape case involved a rape and fatal assault that occurred on 16 December 2012 in Munirka, a neighbourhood in South Delhi. The incident took place when a 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern Jyoti Singh was beaten, gang raped, a
Statistiky Wikipedie - Tables - zjednodušená angličtina
Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2.
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Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2.
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Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2.
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The conspiracy ran from 2012 to the present, and during thattime, Buryakov worked at a bank, Sporyshev was a Russian traderepresentative, and Podobnyy was an attaché to Russia’s missionto the United Nations, the complaint said.
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