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Green press |
Facts of the Matter - Looking Past Today's Rhetoric on the Environment and Responsible Development (Parish David)(Pevná vazba) Too Green to Be True? Does all the positive press about hybrid cars, alternative fuels, and the next "green" must-have prod
Domovská stránka |
The improving export picture coming through in the latest surveys is the icing on the cake. Driven by super loose monetary policy and a sense of relief that the worst is now over, domestic momentum is just getting stronger and stronger which may be w
Urania Publishers -
Literary Ethnology and Sociology: the Ethnic Origins of Oral Folklore and the Social Growth of Literary Genres. Prague 2017, ISBN 978-80-86580-47-0. Systematic Poetics III. Formal Poetics and Rhetoric. An Introduction to the Formal Study of Literatur
Editorial Board - Child Trafficking - Digital Library ...
Myths, Rhetoric and Realities IOM, Tle Hague Process on Refugees and Migration, 2006 MD-016 MD-017 Migration, Development and Natural Disasters: Insights from the Indian Ocean Tsunami No.30 Diaspora Dialogues MD-018 IOM, Geneva 2007 MD-019 Living Acr
soukalova - Dějiny
soukalova H I S T O R I C KÁ S O C I O L O G I E 1/2015 Historický vývoj konceptů fámy a „veřejného mínění“ K AT E Ř I N A S O U K A L O VÁ * The Historical Development of Concepts of Rumour and “Public Opinion” Abstract: This article deals with the
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doc. Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph.D. | Masaryk University
CHOVANEC, Jan. Multimodal rhetoric of football on the front pages of British newspapers. In The Beautiful Game : The Poetics and Aesthetics of Soccer in Transnational Perspective, June 30-July 2, 2016, University of Basel. 2016. URL info; CHOVANEC, J
Publikace vydané tiskem 2000-2003 evidováno v obd 3 lf ...
Publikace vydané tiskem 2000-2003, evidováno v OBD 3. LF – podle forem (typu) Zpracováno k 12.5.2012 (M. Hábová) – 3629 záznamů; Citační formát z OBD 3.